本店所有產品均由日本原裝進口,安全認證,防敏,防菌! Lash Artist is a lash salon solely dedicated to eyelash treatments. All products are imported from Japan, and have the relevant safety, anti-allergic and anti-bacterial cert
i美容 / 植眼睫毛ibeauteclub

由香港註冊物理治療師主理,認為準確的診斷及手法治療才是物理治療師的精髓所在。 所以會主力做手法治療,配合其它療法,希望為病人提供最合適的治療服務。
健康及醫療 / 醫療護理凝聚物理治療

Photobooth MINI 租借服務 - 即影即有自拍機 (適合婚禮, bigday, 婚宴, annual dinner, 生日party, 公關推廣活動,產品發佈會和企業活動 )

“Adler Superior” is a Professional recruitment agency with a great mission and big difference. We are a leading and experienced employment agency that works with a broad range of industries.

可提供設計方案/靈感/走勢,個人及品牌造型設計等 價格合適即可(比市價平) 5年時裝設計經驗 其合作作品被多位名人穿著過 17歲開始當實習後,赴倫敦修讀女裝設計 。在學期間贏得多項校內品牌合作項目,曾在巴黎各品牌擔當設計助理/打版師,包括Christian Dior 以高訂及成衣兩部門為首。高訂參與了手工製作及各設計項目,成衣則負責出樣重點做衣服上細節設計,與創作總監緊密合作。 強項以立裁創作新穎

兩小時證婚連酒會,連律師, 連decoration
c結婚 / 婚宴酒席charlotte45

過百款 卡通 布置 氣球 氦氣球 氣球佈置 生日會 滿月酒 百日宴 婚宴 Birthday Party Annual Dinner Wedding Party Balloon Decoration 結婚佈置 | 場地佈置

ServiGoGo Hong Kong We offer a wide range of service tailored to meet your needs with reasonable price Our Services Full house packing and moving service CONTACT OUR TEAM : [email protected]
s商業 / 物流及倉儲servigogohk

SW Institute of Knowledge Enhancement (SWiKen) has launched the HKICPA QP Enhancement Course and FE Enhancement Course for Jun 2020.

深圳市致研电子有限公司,名下的子公司Shenzhen Zhiyan Package and Printing Co.Ltd,专门做包装和印刷产品,位置:深圳宝安区西乡。 支持各类国内soho,贸易公司,香港,台湾地区人士的询价和看工厂。我们工厂支持各类刚起步创业的人士,无条件配合你的询价,验厂。 [email protected] WECHAT微信:+8613713814226

SalonFinder是全新美容指南, 邊間好?美容、美甲、髮型、按摩、水療、眉型、化妝,各項扮靚行業。客人可以找有信譽,唔Hardsell的美容服務。仲要有回贈及評分,做得好唔好您都可以評價返店舖,做美容服務最緊要有保障。SalonFinder幫各位扮靚人士搜羅優質美容服務,唔信,快啲去睇下啦。Beauty Salon reviews and make booking now!

外籍導師Ian Walters先生是4個小孩的父親,他喜歡小孩和擅長以活動教學形式上堂!I’m a father of 4 young kids. I love children and I know how to communicate with them for fun during learning.
i教學進修 / 補習ian_walters25

場地租用 舞蹈及排練室
s場地租用 / 舞蹈及排練室spinana pole dance and yoga studio

Photobooth MINI 致力以大眾化價錢,提供優質photobooth租借服務,復古輕巧外型,適合大小場合。(適合婚禮, bigday, 婚宴, annual dinner, 生日party, 公關推廣活動,產品發佈會和企業活動 )

Singer songwriter and experienced vocal coach who is skilled in singing, playing piano, keyboard and guitar.He was born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada.He speaks and he sings in fluent English.
M教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 聲樂Marvin Poon Vocal Academy

適合練習或教學用途,西營盤港鐵站出口 1分鐘步程,提供免費Wi-Fi、藍牙喇叭、譜架、飲用水、熱茶 Perfect for practicing and teaching purposes, 1-min walk from Sai Ying Pun MTR exit, free Wi-Fi, Bluetooth speakers, music stand, drinking water, tea
場地租用 / 琴房Serpiano Music

Lazy Itinerary tries to help traveler plan their itineraries worry-free and book their flights, hotels and tours at one glimpse. Check out at lazyitinerary.com
l旅遊 / 旅遊優惠lazyitinerary
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